
cockatoo command line

cockatoo comes with a command line utility for computing distances. To get a list of commands run:

$ cockatoo --help
Usage: cockatoo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -v, --verbose  Turn on verbose logging
  --help         Show this message and exit.

  cdist    Compute the distance between 2 cocktails
  convert  Convert CSV screen to JSON format
  hclust   Perform hierarchical clustering on a screen
  isim     Compute the internal similarity score for a...
  sdist    Compute the distance between 2 screens
  version  Print cockatoo version

To get help for a specific command run:

$ cockatoo sdist --help
Usage: cockatoo sdist [OPTIONS]

  Compute the distance between 2 screens

  -1, --screen1 PATH     Path to screen1 in JSON format  [required]
  -2, --screen2 PATH     Path to screen2 in JSON format  [required]
  -w, --weights WEIGHTS  weights=1,1
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

Compute distance between cocktails

Create two JSON files (ck1.json, ck1.json) describing your cocktails. See Tutorial for file format specification. Then run:

$ cockatoo cdist -1 ck1.json -2 ck1.json

Compute distance between screens

Create two JSON files (s1.json, s2.json) describing your screens. See Tutorial for file format specification. Then run:

$ cockatoo sdist -1 s1.json -2 s2.json

Convert CSV screen to JSON

Converting a screen stored in CSV format to JSON requires your CSV file to be in a specific format, see the Tutorial for more info. You will also need a compound summary file which includes data on each compound found in your cocktails. See the data/hwi-compounds.csv file for an example. To convert the screen run:

$ cockatoo convert -i screen.csv -o screen.json -n screen_name -s hwi-compounds.csv

Compute interal similarity

This command will compute the interal similarity score for a given screen. Create a JSON file (s1.json) describing your screen. See Tutorial for file format specification. Then run:

$ cockatoo isim -s s1.json

Hierarchical clustering

This command will perform hierarchical clustering on a given screen. This command requires python modules: numpy, scipy, and matplotlib to be installed. Create a JSON file (s1.json) describing your screen. See Tutorial for file format specification. Then run:

$ cockatoo -v hclust -s s1.json -p -d -n

cockatoo API

An example of using cockatoo python API:

import cockatoo

ck1 = cockatoo.screen.parse_cocktail('ck1.json')
ck2 = cockatoo.screen.parse_cocktail('ck2.json')
dist = cockatoo.metric.distance(ck1, ck2)
print "Distance: {}".format(dist)